The workshop will be divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. During the theoretical part, there will be a short introduction. Immediately after, the practical part will take place, focusing on the analysis of many examples of ECG recordings. The workshop will be conducted by two cardiologists – Associate Professor Wojciech Wąsek from Rzeszow University and our special guest, Dr. Maurizio Porcu from Italy.
Location: Building A5, University of Rzeszów
During the workshop each participant will have a unique opportunity to apply the transducer and conduct an echocardiography examination of the heart with their own hands. Participants will exercise on professional trainers that can replicate real clinical situations. The workshop will be conducted by experienced cardiologist and echocardiographist, Dr. Maurizio Porcu from Italy.
Location: Center of Medical Simulation, University of Rzeszów
The course is dedicated to students interested in laparoscopy and abdominal surgery. Work will take place in small groups of several people, so each participant of the workshop will have easy access to the trainer and the opportunity to try their hand at the manual tasks prepared by us. The workshop will be conducted by experienced urologist from Independent public health care team No. 1 in Rzeszów headed by PhD Krzysztof Balawender.
Location: Center of Medical Simulation, University of Rzeszów
During the workshop each participant will have a unique opportunity to apply the transducer and conduct an ultrasound examination of the abdomen with their own hands. Participants will exercise on professional trainers that can replicate real clinical situations. The workshop will be conducted by experienced radiologists. The meeting will be held in Center of Medical Simulation of Rzeszow University.
Location: Center of Medical Simulation, University of Rzeszów
During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to practice many different types of sutures under the guidance of specialists. Each participant will have the opportunity to work with their own sewing set prepared by us. You don't need any of your own equipment, we will provide all the necessary things. The workshop will be conducted by experienced doctors. The meeting will be held in Center of Medical Simulation of Rzeszow University.
Location: Center of Medical Simulation, University of Rzeszów
The course is dedicated to students interested in otorhinolaryngology. The main point of the workshop will be a detailed analysis of audiometry. The workshop will be conducted by our special guest experienced urologist Professor Mahmut Tayyara from Istanbul Medeniyet University from Turkey. The workshops will take place in building A5 of the University of Rzeszów.
Location: Building A5, University of Rzeszów
The workshop will be conducted by our special guest specialist of forensic medicine, Dr. Omer Turan from Istanbul Medeniyet University from Turkey. During workshops each participant will have an opportunity to work with prepared bones. You are going to learn how to assess age of the bone, how to recognize human bones from bones of other species, modern techniques of laboratory bone analysis and many many others. The workshops will take place in building A5 of the University of Rzeszów.
Location: Building A5, University of Rzeszów